Sunday, August 28, 2011

Taro Relief 被災地ボランテイアの感想#1

Kids English Bee in Taro 7/26/2011
(Scroll down for English)


漁業を営む三陸沿岸の人々は、聖書の教える福音に対し、なかなか心を開こうとしないようです。しかし、被災地を訪れ、ボランテイア活動に励むクリスチャンの存在を通して、この方々の心に変化がもたらされていることを感じました。人々はクリスチャンのボランテイアの人々を「キリストさん」と呼びます。イエス様を名指す呼び名で呼ばれるとは何と幸いな特権でしょうか!これは初代教会の歩みの中で、アンテオケの人々がイエス様を救い主と信じる人々をどう区別して呼べば良いのか戸惑いつつ、「キリスト者―クリスチャン」と呼んだのと同じです。私の願いは、これからも多くの「キリストさん」が父なる神様の愛を示す為、田老地区、多くの被災地に出かけていくことです。続けて祈っていきましょう。-- レイバーマン・ケビン

God loved Taro before her history began. He wept alongside them in their three tsunami tragedies. He is loving Taro now through his people: talking with residents, delivering food items, offering to pray, asking about their needs, and playing with children. I like to think that we were the hug of Father God for brokenhearted people. It was so easy to do and felt great.

Fishing communities along the coast of Japan are especially resistant to the gospel message, but I sensed that Taro can change by this ongoing Christian presence. They called the volunteers "Kirisutosha." What a privilege to be identified with Christ! It is a term similar to what Antioch called early believers they couldn't make sense of. My prayer is that more "Kirisutosha" will go to towns like Taro to show the love of Father God.  -- Kevin Laverman

Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Family Concert ファミリーコンサート

(Scroll down for English)

コンサートの後は、みんなでかき氷大会!これまた、子どもから大人までみんな一緒に、さまざまな味のかき氷を楽しみました。8月としては一番気温の低い日曜日でしたが、糀ホール地下集会室は熱気むんむんで、つめた〜いかき氷を何度もおかわりするほど。楽しい楽しいファミリーコンサートでした。すてきな時を与えてくださった神様に感謝!今回来れなかった皆様、次回はぜひいらしてくださいね ♪  
For this year's summer concert we invited Narumiya-san to share his saxophone talent with us. It was a lot of fun to hear the variety of saxophones he used, each with its own distinctive sound. He surprised us by sustaining a single note for a couple minutes. Psalm 150:6 encourages, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." I'm not sure how one has breath for that kind of praise, but God surely has blessed this man with great ability. The kids really enjoyed the concert, too, sneaking up repeatedly to the front row to get a better view of things. After the concert we enjoy a summer treat: shaved ice, of course, in four flavors. Ironically, it was the chilliest day in an otherwise hot, hot August. Those hand crank machines really got a workout. Everyone went home with tongues of different color. Thanks everyone for a great afternoon!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Pianist ある美術収集家の話し

(Scroll down for English)


一人残された子供はコンサートホールを探索すべく座席を離れ、「関係者以外立ち入り禁止」の貼り紙のあるドアを開けて中へ入って行ってしまった。会場のライトが薄暗くなり、そろそろコンサートが始まるという時になり、座席に戻った母親は息子がいなくなっていることに気付いた。 あわてる母親をよそにカーテンは開き、ステージの上のグランドピアノにはスポットライトが当てらた。恐怖におののいた母親が見たものは、ピアノの前にすわって無邪気に「キラキラ星」を弾いている小さな息子の姿だった。

ちょうどそのとき、ペデルスキーが舞台に現われた。彼はすばやくピアノに近づくと、その少年の耳元にささやいた。「やめないで。そのまま続けるんだよ。」 そして少年の後ろから左手を回し、少年の演奏に会わせて、ベースのパートを弾き始めたのだった。さらに右側にも手をまわし、素早い指の動きの高音のパートを併せた。 少年のつたない演奏にこの偉大なるピアニストの演奏が加わって、聴衆はどんなコンサートでもかつて聞いたことのないような素晴しい音楽にただただ魅了されるだけだった。このピアニストと幼い少年は、ともすればとんでもない惨事になりかねなかったこの状況を、素晴しく美しい創造的な場面へと造り変えたのである。



Ignace Jan Paderewski, the famous composer-pianist, was scheduled to perform at a great concert hall in America. It was an evening to remember - black tuxedos and long evening dresses, a high-society extravaganza. Present in the audience that evening was a mother with her fidgety nine-year-old son. Weary of waiting, he squirmed constantly in his seat. His mother was in hopes that her son would be encouraged to practice the piano if he could just hear the immortal Paderewski at the keyboard. So - against his wishes - he had come.

As she turned to talk with friends, her son could stay seated no longer. He slipped away from her side, strangely drawn to the ebony concert grand Steinway and its leather tufted stool on the huge stage flooded with blinding lights. Without much notice from the sophisticated audience, the boy sat down at the stool, staring wide-eyed at the black and white keys. He placed his small, trembling fingers in the right location and began to play "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." The roar of the crowd was hushed and hundreds of frowning faces pointed in his direction. Irritated and embarrassed, they began to shout: "Get that boy away from there!" "Who'd bring a kid that young in here?" "Somebody stop him!"

Backstage, the master overheard the sounds out front and quickly put together in his mind what was happening. Hurriedly, he grabbed his coat and rushed toward the stage. Without one word of announcement he stooped over behind the boy, reached around both sides, and began to improvise a countermelody to harmonize with and enhance "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." As the two of them played together, Paderewski kept whispering in the boy's ear: "Keep going. Don't quit. Keep on playing...don't stop...don't quit."

And so it is with us. We hammer away on our project, which seems about as significant as "Twinkle Twinkle" in a concert hall. And about the time we are ready to give up, along comes the Master. God whispers: "Now keep going; don't quit. Keep on...don't stop; don't quit" as He improvises on our behalf, providing just the right touch at just the right moment.
