Monday, March 23, 2015

春の変化 Spring Changes

(English to follow below) 

「ほら、冬は過ぎ去り、大雨も通り過ぎて行った。 地には花が咲き乱れ、歌の季節がやって来た。」

春がやって来ました! 春は至るところに変化をもたらします。桜をはじめ、さまざまな花が咲き始め、大地はまた、緑に包まれます。春の服に衣替えし、子供たちは新学期を迎え、大人達は新しい仕事に就き、新年度の歩みがスタートします。私達はこの変化をもたらす春を、良いことが起こるという期待をもって歓迎します。




Welcome to spring!  Spring changes everything.  Flowers grow, cherry blossoms bloom, and the earth turns green again. Spring clothing is taken out, children start a new school year, families move to new homes, and new jobs are begun. We welcome these changes with hope of good things to come.

Spring brings changes to our church, too. Pastor Kondo will be ending his good ministry on 3/22. I will serve in an interim pastoral role again while we continue to search for a Japanese pastor. We look toward the future with hope of what God will do in and through us as a church in the year ahead.

Easter brings changes, too. The ressurection changes everything. Hung on a cross, and put in the tomb, we see how much Christ loves us. His death shows the extent he is willing to go to guarantee our forgiveness. But the grave isn’t the end. He rose again! His ressurection changes the future hope for all of us. Because He lives, we no longer need to fear death because Christ broke its curse and power. Because He lives, we are promised eternal life in heaven someday. Because He lives, we know that nothing is impossible for God. He has power to bring life from death. And he has the power to bring hope to impossible situations. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow! We can look forward with hope at what He will do in and for us.

In some ways, Easter is more exciting than Christmas. Jesus is alive! Everything changes. This is cause for celebration! Come join us this Easter worship service or kids program on 4/5, and in the 2015 church year ahead. We look forward to welcoming you to our changing church family!